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6.6x6.6" Neutral Density Glass Filter
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Density: |
* Whole number only
Key Features:
- Provides exposure reduction
- Allows for greater control over exposure settings: the filter reduces the amount of light entering the lens, thereby allowing for the use of a wider aperture or longer shutter speed than normal
- Ideal for use on sunny days or in other very bright settings
- Filter Type: Solid ND
- Density: 0.3 (1-stop), 0.6 (2-stop), 0.9 (3-stop), or 1.2 (4-stop) (select from product options)
- Focal Length Range: up to approximately 70mm for full frame 35mm (not recommended for telephoto)
- Size: 6.6 x 6.6" (167.6 x 167.6mm)
- Thickness: 4mm
- Material: Glass
Effect Description:
The neutral density filter reduces the amount of light entering the lens, without affecting colour. It is used primarily when the light level exceeds that which the film stock or video sensor can handle; this is often the case when shooting on a sunny day in a location featuring an abundance of light reflection such a desert, ocean or snowy landscape. If a reduction in depth of field is desired, the ND filter can help achieve this because it allows you to open the lens aperture further without changing exterior light levels.
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